In a recent post on Instiz, a prominent online community in Korea, a netizen ignited a discussion on the enduring success of Girls' Generation, the iconic girl group that has defied the odds of time and societal expectations. With an average age of 35, the members of Girls' Generation have yet to pursue marriage, opting instead to focus on their flourishing careers both as a group and as individuals.

Since their debut, Girls' Generation has captivated audiences worldwide, earning accolades and maintaining their position at the pinnacle of the K-pop industry. Notably, in 2017, they were crowned the "K-pop Emperor" by Billboard, a testament to their enduring influence and popularity. Despite the passage of time, the members, including Taeyeon, Sunny, and Tiffany, born in 1989, continue to command the stage with their unwavering dedication and talent.

The comparison drawn by the poster between Girls' Generation and other girl groups of their era underscores the unique trajectory of their careers. While many of their peers have transitioned into married life, the members of Girls' Generation remain steadfast in their commitment to their craft. Fans have expressed unwavering support for the group, emphasizing their desire for Girls' Generation to remain their eternal idols.

However, amidst the admiration, discussions on societal norms and the implications of the members' unmarried status have emerged. Some netizens have questioned the relevance of the low birthrate discourse in this context, while others have emphasized the autonomy of the members to make personal choices regarding marriage and family.

As Girls' Generation continues to defy expectations and redefine the parameters of success in the K-pop industry, their journey serves as a testament to the power of talent, dedication, and resilience in the face of societal pressures.

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