Photo by  연합뉴스


According to a survey conducted by the Elementary School Teachers' Union, just before Children's Day on May 5th, 'cash and gift cards' were the top choice for gifts among children, with 21% of respondents selecting them.

Following closely behind, spending time with family was ranked second at 20%. Interestingly, the top desire for children on Children's Day was receiving gifts, with 42% expressing this wish, while going on outings with family came in second at 20%.

When asked about the conditions for happiness, children mostly cited "harmonious family relationships" at 39%, followed by "achieving dreams or life goals" at 29%, and "being physically healthy" at 14%.

Regarding whom they feel comfortable discussing their concerns with, mothers were the most common choice at 30%, followed by friends at 22%, and fathers at 21%. Despite valuing family highly, many children reported limited time spent conversing with them, with 26% having only 1-2 hours and 21% having less than an hour of conversation time.

In terms of challenges at home, children found homework and studying for academies to be the most difficult tasks at 29%. Over half of the respondents (53%) expressed a desire to go straight home after school.

In terms of school life, the most desired aspect was a school environment free from bullying, with 58% of children selecting this option. Additionally, when it comes to separating disruptive students in the classroom, children responded positively, believing it would lead to a more stable classroom atmosphere and better attentiveness to teachers during lessons.

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