Director Park Chan-wook's latest film, "The Sympathizer," is set to be exclusively released in Korea on Coupang Play.

On the 17th, Coupang Play announced its plans to release "The Sympathizer," an HBO original series produced, written, and directed by Park Chan-wook, for a seven-week run starting in April. The series, based on the novel of the same name by Vietnamese-American author Viet Thanh Nguyen, follows an intelligence thriller narrative centered around a North Vietnamese informant who infiltrated the South Vietnamese secret police during the 1970s.

The film has garnered attention for its impressive cast since the early stages of production, with Joa Xuande portraying the lead spy and Robert Downey Jr. and Sandra Oh playing significant roles.

"The Sympathizer" marks Park Chan-wook's return to filmmaking since receiving the Director's Award at the 75th Cannes Film Festival for his previous work, "Decision to Leave."

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