In a statement released Saturday, medical trainees and students refraining from participating in a nationwide walkout have urged fellow medical staff to honor their choice and refrain from coercive measures.

The group, known locally as Dasaengui, took to social media to express their concerns, denouncing what they perceive as "authoritative ostracizing and violent coercion" aimed at compelling them to join the walkout.

According to Dasaengui, some medical professionals desiring to resume work or attend classes are being pressured to issue apologies at certain medical schools—an action deemed unacceptable in a democratic society. The group contends that such measures not only violate individual rights but also amount to coercion to join collective action.

Additionally, Dasaengui called for an end to open ballot voting systems in medical schools, arguing that such practices unfairly label dissenters as "traitors."

This statement underscores the complex dynamics at play within the medical community amidst nationwide protests, highlighting the importance of respecting individual choices and fostering a culture of inclusivity and understanding.

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